According to the “2024 Global Digital Shopping Index: U.S. Edition” by PYMNTS Intelligence, the survey of 2,400 U.S. consumers aimed to understand shifts in shopping behaviors from 2020 to 2023. PYMNTS reveals a significant drop in eCommerce interest.
- In 2020, 36% of U.S. consumers preferred pure-play eCommerce.
- By late 2023, this number fell to 26%, a 28% decline!.
- This shift isn't just post-lockdown fatigue; it continued from 2022. More shoppers are returning to stores.
- By late 2023, 44% of consumers shopped in physical stores without digital help, up from 40% in 2022.
- Millennials and Bridge Millennials lead remote shopping, with 30% preferring it, compared to only 22% of Gen Z.
- Females also shop remotely more than males (29% vs. 22%).
- High-income households and those with children under 18 show a higher tendency towards remote shopping.
- Shoppers expect features like preferred payment methods, refunds for fraudulent charges, and digital coupons.
- They feel retailers lack price matching, effective loyalty programs, and adequate fraud protection.
Is the in-store shopping experience making a comeback?
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