China’s Singles’ Day sales topped $150B, up 20.1% YoY. Alibaba and showed strong buyer activity. Outdoor gear, pet care, and toys saw the most growth. Analysts expect consumer confidence to improve by late 2025 with more stimulus ahead.
China’s Singles’ Day shopping festival, celebrated from October 14 to November 11, defied expectations by generating $150B in gross merchandise value (GMV), up 20.1% year-over-year. Research firm Syntun attributed the growth to increased activity on platforms like Alibaba’s Tmall,, and PDD. Both companies reported significant upticks, with noting a 20% increase in shoppers. Alibaba claimed a record number of active buyers, signaling a possible turnaround in China’s consumer sentiment.
The growth in sales aligns with recent government stimulus measures. Consumer spending rose after the Chinese government announced economic policies in late September, including subsidies for cars and home appliances. Despite the uptick, analysts like Daniel Zipser from McKinsey caution that long-term impacts are uncertain. The market saw growth in specific categories, including outdoor equipment, pet care, and blind-box toys—a $2B market that gained rapid popularity post-Covid.
Experts highlighted nuanced recovery patterns. Chris Reitermann, CEO of Ogilvy APAC, noted brands achieved "better than expected" results but underlined slow growth in high-value segments. Deborah Weinswig, CEO of Coresight Research, observed consumers using savings for large purchases. Jacob Cooke of WPIC Marketing estimated a 16% GMV increase, calling it one of the strongest performances in recent years. Additionally, luxury brands like Lululemon performed well, while mid-tier brands struggled.
China's Ministry of Finance has hinted at further fiscal support in 2025 to combat slowing economic growth. Experts predict consumer confidence will rebound in the second half of the year. While premium local brands dominate with cost-efficient strategies, multinationals remain profitable but cautious. Analysts suggest ongoing economic uncertainty and a struggling real estate market continue to weigh on household spending. More recovery initiatives could catalyze a broader market rebound.
How can Singles’ Day sales shape 2025 recovery?
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